
Whenever I get my head too deep into a project and it starts to wear on me, I need a change of pace. For me, a change of pace is writing different code, maybe while watching a movie...


I wanted to break out of my narrow minded mold of rebuilding classic games like memory and word search (see below) so I instead turned to other...classic games. I compiled them all into what I call "AngryBrain".

Why "AngryBrain" you may ask? Well, it turns out that I really enjoy creating small games that make you think or test your reflexes. In other words, use your brain. However, as I was building them I quickly made myself angry over the iterations of the code and silly mistakes I had made along the way.

Tech: ES6 methodologies, some localStorage

Cover Match

Not your traditional memory game. Okay, it probably is. But it involves matching comic book cover art. Cover art included from 4 different publishers., including Dark Horse, DC, Image and Marvel.

Game includes typical hints and solves, but also includes point ranges and decreased point earnings the more times a cover is used and not matched. Games offer multiple cover sizes, large previews and enough cover randomization to prevent duplicate puzzles.

Tech: ES6 methodologies, some localStorage

Cover Match

Hero Search

So, a word search game? Um, yes a word search game. This was created as an experiment to see if I could. Primarily for drag and select of the words, randomizing the color of the correct word selection, etc.

The game follows the premise of typically word search/find-a-word but is based on comic publishers. Words are character names, random names from each publisher added to the game and position randomized per game.

Tech: ES6 methodologies, some localStorage

Hero Search

Hangman Supers

Hangman - but with comic book characters from across comic book publishers. Points are deducted for clues given and wrong guesses.

But wait there's more! There is a simple round timer and lives! Obviously my kids had a say in this one. Need to make it more challenging and don't let it last forever. Done, timer and limited lives. Thanks kids!

Tech: ES6 methodologies, some localStorage

